jetheat gt1440 Twice the Heat at Half the Cost

Industrial Heating Solutions

The JetHeat GT 1400 delivers tremendous heat and savings by being economical and environmentally friendly

Fuel Savings

JetHeat’s high pressure combustor/burner generates the most efficient heat in the industry. The patented Micro Turbine “Blue-Burner” technology results in very low fuel consumption vs. output. Calculating the fuel cost difference between JetHeat and its nearest competitor, there is a potential for up to 62% savings.


JetHeat Micro Turbine technology is the most advanced in the world, requiring minimal maintenance. Your heater will spend more time heating and less time being serviced.

Carbon Footprint

Green by design, JetHeat is Carbon Neutral vs. the Competition. It does not produce greenhouse gasses such as NOX and SO2. The low fuel consumption contributes to substantially less CO2 generation

Our corporate office is currently located in Watford City, North Dakota.
301 S MAIN STREET ~ WATFORD CITY ND 58854 ~ (701) 842-3482